Alive and Running 5k – Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services

September 30, 2018 the six of us, including three of my daughters, Jennifer, Felicia and Briana, one of Kevin’s best friends, Calvin and a family friend, Adam, did the Alive & Running 5k because we wanted to join our voice and support efforts to wipe out the stigma surrounding mental illness, support suicide prevention programs and help to inspire hope. It was an emotional event, more so than was I was prepared for. The atmosphere was intense and the feeling that I was surrounded with was powerful as thousands joined their hearts and resources with a common goal. We raised $1,050 as a group to promote our cause. This walk was the 20th Annual #AliveandRunning 5k Run/Walk. Together, we raised over $405,000 for suicide prevention!
“Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services has provided free mental health, substance use disorder and suicide prevention services since 1942. Dedicated to serving communities where stigma or poverty limits access, Didi Hirsch helps more than 120,000 children and adults from 10 locations and 100 schools throughout Los Angeles and Orange counties each year.
Our Suicide Prevention Center is the nation’s first and an international leader in training, research and crisis services.
For more information about Didi Hirsch’s services, please call Centralized Intake at 888-807-7250. Hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If you or someone you know need help in a crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. Counselors who speak English and Spanish are available 24/7.” (